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In addition to the self-guided eLearning videos, the JustGrants Training Section provides access to job aid reference guides, checklists, and infographics to help users learn to navigate JustGrants.
Grantee Award Acceptance
This training video describes how an authorized representative can accept or decline an award in JustGrants. Video run time: 4 min. 32 sec.
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Award Closeout
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Financial Reporting
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Transition to New Grants and Payment Management Systems
This webinar provides an overview of the transition of the grants and financial management systems of the three Department of Justice grant making components: the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). Video run time: 25 min. 54 sec.
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Award Management
This training video describes where you will manage funded awards in JustGrants. Video run time: 4 min. 49 sec.
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Entity User Experience
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