ASAP Month-End Account Reconciliation
All DOJ-related ASAP accounts will be temporarily suspended the last 3 business days of the month to carry out required account reconciliation activities. Recipients that attempt to drawdown in ASAP will receive an “Error 839: No accounts found matching criteria” message and will not be able to request or receive drawdowns during this period. Entity Registration and Renewal Requirement
All entities seeking Department of Justice (DOJ) grant funding must have an “active” registration in Begin the registration or renewal process 30 days prior to any deadlines to allow time to complete the full process.
For additional support, visit Help.
Important JustGrants System Notice
As of September 20, 2023, JustGrants is no longer accessible on mobile devices. Users can access JustGrants on laptops and desktop computers, including those connected to the internet via mobile hotspot.
The Department of Justice is committed to providing high-quality user support to Justice Grants Systems (JustGrants) users. We encourage you to use the various support options below to assist you in accessing and using JustGrants.
For technical support or to report issues with JustGrants:
- COPS Office and OJP applicants and award recipients should contact [email protected] or 833-872-5175, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET; Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.
- OVW applicants and award recipients should contact [email protected] or 866-655-4482, Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.
Please prepare detailed information prior to contacting JustGrants Support:
- A clear statement of the issue
- Unique Entity Identifiers (UEI)
- Award number
- A screen shot of your entity profile that contains your entity information
- The roles you have in JustGrants
- A screen shot of the issue you are facing that captures the entire browser and where you are in the application
- The steps you took to get there
- Date and time of when issue occurred
- Operator ID
- Browser version
Note: To ensure data consistency and integrity, JustGrants pulls financial and entity information from DOJ’s Unified Financial Management System, which directly interfaces with the System for Award Management (SAM). If you need to make changes to your entity information, you should make them in SAM and they will automatically update in JustGrants on the next business day.
Topic-Specific Support
Select the headers below to access more resources about the specific topics.
- Need help setting up your account?
- How do I reset my password?
- What do I do if my account is locked?
- How do I replace myself as an entity administrator?
- How do I invite new members to an entity?
- How do I add or remove roles from a member?
- How do I remove members from an entity?
- How do I receive a code via SMS during login?
- How do I resolve validation errors when certifying and submitting my application in JustGrants?
- How do I accept my award in JustGrants?
- Where can I find more information about how to request payments in ASAP?
- JustGrants Self-Service Support FAQs: Account, Password, Entity Members, Roles, Login
- DIAMD Self-Service FAQs: Digital Identity and Access Management Directory Step-by-Step Illustrated Assistance (updated February 8, 2021)
- Entity Management: Entity Profile FAQs: Training Resources, Incorrect Entity or UEI, Updating Your Entity’s Address.
View the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page for information on how to resolve some other user support issues.
- General FAQs: Creating/Updating Your Account, Tips, Terms
- Entity Management Guide: Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide
- JustGrants Training: Self-Guided Training Resources, eLearning Videos, Reference Guides
- Entity Management
- Entity User Experience
- Application Submission
- Grant Award Acceptance
- Award Management
- Grant Award Modifications
- Submit Financial Reports
- JustGrants Training FAQs: Helpful Resources, Live Training
- System for Award Management (SAM) FAQs: Role of SAM in the Application and Grants Management Processes, SAM support
- Resources: How to Register in SAM, Unique Entity Identifiers, Additional Information
- FAQs: Start Your Application, SF-424
- JustGrants Entity User Onboarding FAQs: Account, Profile, Registration, Entity Administrator, User Roles, SAM E-Biz POC, Unique Entity Identifiers (UEI)
- Entity Management Guide: Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide
- Automated Standard Application for Payments FAQs: Registration, Enrollment, User Roles, SAM E-Biz POC, ALC
- Enrollment Checklist: Step-by-Step Guide
- ASAP Resources: Additional Information About ASAP
- ASAP Payment Requests FAQs: Payment, Settlement, Transactions, Recipient ID
- DOJ User Training: Step-by-Step Illustrated Instructions
- ASAP Resources: Additional Information About ASAP
JustGrants Training Support
For questions related to training opportunities or training content, contact the JustGrants Training team at [email protected].
System for Award Management ( Support
Contact the SAM Service Desk (Federal Service Desk), Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET at 866-606-8220 or via live chat.
Automated Standard Application for Payments Support
The Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) is now available for enrolled DOJ award recipients to request funds. For more information on how to request funds in ASAP, please reference this user guide. For questions related to using ASAP, please contact the OCFO Customer Service Center at [email protected] or 800-458-0786. When contacting the OCFO Customer Service Center, please provide your organization’s Unique Entity Identifiers (UEI) and EIN.
Award Management Support
For grant-related support, contact the grant manager listed on the award, or the appropriate funding office:
COPS Office [email protected] 800-421-6770
OJP Support [email protected] 833-872-5175
OVW Support [email protected] 866-655-4482
Questions related to an open notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) should be directed to the point of contact listed in the NOFO.
JustGrants Login
Reset a JustGrants password or unlock an account.
Find answers to frequently asked questions.