Section 200.204(a) (Notices of funding opportunities, Summary of information in notices of funding opportunities) of 2CFR, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards states, “The Federal awarding agency must display the following information posted on the OMB-designated governmentwide website for funding and applying for Federal financial assistance…” is currently the OMB-designated government-wide website for funding and applying for federal financial assistance. DOJ announces all federal discretionary competitive funding opportunities as well as non-competitive funding opportunities in is the first step of the application process where the applicant must complete the SF-424 before proceeding. Once submitted, application information will be automatically transmitted to JustGrants, where applicants will need to complete the remaining sections of their application. JustGrants was designed to leverage the authentication and registration information, which is initiated in and used to apply in, to authorize the electronic submission of an application in JustGrants.
Please note, there are two submission deadlines for DOJ funding opportunities. First, the submission deadline, which must be met before an applicant can submit the full application in JustGrants, followed by the JustGrants deadline. The deadlines for each DOJ funding opportunity can be found on the cover page of the notice of funding opportunity for which the applicant is applying.