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Glossary of Terms

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The glossary provides information about words and terms associated with JustGrants, DOJ’s grants management system. The terms are listed in alphabetical order.

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Title: Role

Alternate Grant Award Administrator Role

Alternate Grant Award Administrator is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. This role provides support to the Grant Award Administrator. They can initiate but not submit programmatic-related award requirements including GAMs. 

Application Submitter Role

Application Submitter is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. This role is tasked with completing and submitting applications on behalf of the entity, including Entity Assurances and Certifications. 

Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) Role

The Authorized Organization Representatives (AOR) are the people who submit applications for the organization. The E-Business Point of Contact (E-Biz POC), the person registering with SAM, assigns the AOR. In Grants.gov there are two AOR core roles: Standard and Expanded.

Authorized Representative Role

Authorized Representative is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. This role must possess the legal authority to accept awards. This action binds the entity to the award terms and conditions. 

Authorizing Official (AO) Role

The Authorizing Official (AO) is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP). The AO adds Payment Requestors and Inquirer Only users.

Entity Administrator (EA) Role

Entity Administrator (EA) is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. The Entity Administrator confirms information contained in the Entity Profile is current, manages entity users, including user assignments in DIAMD, and specific application and award-level assignments in JustGrants. This user role, has sole authority to invite new users to JustGrants, assign roles, remove users, remove roles, reassign applications and awards, and change the Entity Administrator for the organization.

Expanded Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) Role

Expanded Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) is a core user role in Grants.gov. This role grants all the access and privileges of the Standard AOR role, in addition to privileges that allow the user to modify organization-level settings.

Financial Manager Role

The Financial Manager is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. This role is responsible for certifying and submitting federal financial reports (FFRs), processing financial Grant Award Modifications (GAMs), and initiating closeout on behalf of the entity. 

Financial Official (FO) Role

Financial Official (FO) is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP). The FO enters and maintains banking account information.

Grant Award Administrator Role

Grant Award Administrator is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. This is the grantee role that manages many aspects of the grant. This role allows a grantee to view and submit performance reports, initiate some Grant Award Modifications (GAMs), review and respond to monitoring issues as applicable, upload documents, and view award, application, and notice of funding opportunity information. 

Grants.gov Applicant Management Roles

Applicant Management Roles in the Grants.gov system include two types of user roles: core roles and custom roles. Privileges for the three core roles cannot be modified. The E-Biz POC or a user with the Expanded Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) role can assign roles in the Grants.gov system. Core roles are:

Creating and assigning custom roles are useful when the core roles do not meet an entity’s grant workflow needs. Custom roles can be created with a unique name and assigned a custom set of privileges.

Head of Organization (HOO) Role

Head of Organization (HOO) is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP).  The HOO approves changes to users and their roles.

Initial Point of Contact Role

Initial Point of Contact is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP).  This role is added by the federal agency and can self-designate all roles and create additional users.

Inquirer Only Role

Inquirer Only is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP). An Inquirer Only can only run reports and cannot hold any other roles.

Payment Requester Role

Payment Requester is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP).  The Payment Requester initiates payment requests.

Point of Contact (POC) Role

Point of Contact (POC) is one of the user roles in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP).  The POC adds users or modifies their roles. A recipient entity can have only one POC in ASAP. The POC can fill all of the roles, assign multiple roles to one person, or assign each role to a different person.


Roles determine the access a user is granted in a system.


  • For an overview of the six foundational roles in JustGrants, view term Entity User Roles.
  • In JustGrants, users may be granted multiple entity user roles depending on the tasks they perform.


  • For an overview of user roles in ASAP, view term ASAP User Roles.
  • In ASAP, the POC can fill all of the roles, assign multiple roles to one person, or assign each role to a different person.


For a list of user role terms for JustGrants, ASAP, and Grants.gov enter search criteria title: Role.

Standard Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) Role

Standard Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) is a core user role in Grants.gov.  A user with this role is authorized to submit applications on behalf of the organization when they are a Participant of that workspace.

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