Entity Registration and Renewal Requirement
All entities seeking Department of Justice (DOJ) grant funding must have an “active” registration in Begin the registration or renewal process 30 days prior to any deadlines to allow time to complete the full process.
For additional support, visit Help.
Video: DOJ Grant Application Process Overview
Want to apply for Department of Justice (DOJ) funding? This video offers a quick look at the systems you'll use to complete your grant application—,, and JustGrants—and shows you where to find assistance with any step in the grant application process.
The Justice Grants System (JustGrants) is the Department of Justice's grants management system for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW).
The JustGrants Resources website is an entryway into information about JustGrants and the system itself. Through this portal both award recipients and applicants can access training resources and user support options and find answers to frequently asked questions.
Users can also log in to JustGrants through the site.
News Flash
January 14: Where To Find DOJ Funding Opportunities
January 7: Get Ready NOW To Apply for DOJ Funding
November 19: Ready To Accept a DOJ Award?
JustGrants Login
Select the access graphic above to log in to the Justice Grants System (JustGrants).
Learn to navigate JustGrants effectively and complete various essential grants management tasks.
Find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Justice Grants System (JustGrants) and the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP).
User Support
Access self-service, topic-specific, and technical support options for assistance in using the JustGrants System.
Links to resource guides, financial and administrative resources for grant management, funding opportunities, and ASAP training and resources.
News & Updates
View the latest information and updates on DOJ’s grants management and payment management systems and sign up for JusticeGrants Updates emails from the COPS Office, OJP, and OVW.