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Applicant award acceptance

Weekly Training Webinars: Entity Management

Bookmark this page and check back regularly for session dates and registration links. 

Session TopicEntity Management
Key AudiencesEntity Administrators

Topics covered in this session include:

  • JustGrants roles and responsibilities 
  • JustGrants user management
    • Adding users, assigning roles, and confirming that accounts are successfully created
    • Assigning and reassigning users to applications and awards
    • Maintaining the entity profile and entity documents 
Live Training Sessions


Weekly Training Webinars: Grant Award Acceptance

Bookmark this page and check back regularly for session dates and registration links. 

Session TopicAward Acceptance
Key Audiences

Entity Administrators, Authorized Representatives


Topics covered in this session include:

  • New award notifications
  • Two-step process to review and accept (or decline) an award
  • Common questions about the process
Live Training Sessions

Click the link to register for the session you wish to attend:

JustGrants Award Acceptance Virtual Q&A Session

April 2022

This Virtual Q&A Session is targeted to those JustGrants users with Entity Administrator or Authorized Representative roles and covers the following topics:

  • Determining when award acceptance occurs
  • Identifying which roles are involved in the award acceptance process
  • A demonstration of the process of accepting or declining an award
  • Common problems when accepting or declining an award, and how to mitigate them
  • Attendee questions about award acceptance

Video run time: 38 min. 41 sec. View the Presentation.

Training: Weekly Training Webinars

The JustGrants team facilitates weekly sessions providing an opportunity for users to receive topic-specific training, direct technical assistance and support on JustGrants system functionality.

Training: Award Acceptance

Key Audience: Authorized Representatives, Entity Administrator

Once notified of an award, entity users will either accept or the decline the award. The following training and resource materials explain the two-step process that the Entity Administrator and Authorized Representative(s) take to complete this action in JustGrants. 

Award Notifications

  • For successful applicants, award notifications are generally made by the...

Frequently Asked Questions

View answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Justice Grants System (JustGrants), Grants.gov, System for Award Management (SAM), and the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP). This page will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.