JustGrants training
Training: Closeout
Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator
In order to complete a closeout, entities must submit the final financial, performance, and other reports required under the grant, and meet award conditions, within 120 days after the grant award expires or is terminated.
The following training materials describe how the Grant Award Administrator submits an award closeout in JustGrants. These materials will teach users how to:
- Select the...
Training: Monitoring
Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator
JustGrants allows users to see open desk reviews, audits, and in-depth monitoring cases for an Entity. You may access information on monitoring visits and any outstanding issues for resolution from previous visits.
Training: Performance Reporting
Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator
Performance Management in JustGrants
Performance management focuses on the progress of goals and objectives, timeline, and project milestones for each award. It also helps identify and mitigate implementation barriers or challenges. Program-specific reporting requirements are outlined in the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).
All performance documentation is done in JustGrants. Performance management includes the following:
- Performance Reports, also known...
Training: Financial Reporting
Key Audience: Financial Manager
The following training materials will help Financial Managers submit a Federal Financial Report (FFR) and provide additional information on financial reporting.
In this eLearning video, you will learn:
- How to locate and understand the reporting periods and due dates
- Steps for submitting an FFR
- Editing and resubmitting a Quarterly FFR
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The following...
Training: Grant Award Modifications
Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator
The purpose of a Grant Award Modification (GAM) is to update award details, modifying key facts or details about the award. JustGrants focuses on true modifications to an award and in the following training materials, a Grant Award Administrator will learn how to create the three types of GAMs – Project Period Extension, Programmatic, and Financial.
Specifically, the eLearning videos...
Training: Award Management
Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator, Entity Administrator, Financial Manager
The eLearning videos and Job Aid Reference Guides below will help users navigate the grants management functions in JustGrants.
These training materials will demonstrate how to complete the following tasks:
- Find award information, including details regarding Award Conditions, performance management and available funds
- Access Funding Balance and Project Budget figures
- Initiate and follow Grant Award Modifications...
Training: Award Acceptance
Key Audience: Authorized Representatives, Entity Administrator
Once notified of an award, entity users will either accept or the decline the award. The following training and resource materials explain the two-step process that the Entity Administrator and Authorized Representative(s) take to complete this action in JustGrants.
Award Notifications
- For successful applicants, award notifications are generally made by the...
Training: Application Submission
SAM.gov Entity Registration and Renewal Requirement
All entities seeking Department of Justice (DOJ) grant funding must have an “active” registration in SAM.gov. Begin the SAM.gov registration or renewal process 30 days prior to any deadlines to allow time to complete the full process.
For additional support, visit SAM.gov Help.
Key Audience: Application Submitter(s), Authorized Representative(s), Entity Administrator
Prepare early—any time during the year—to...
Training: Entity User Experience
Key Audience: All JustGrants Users
The following training materials support new users learn how to –
- navigate the JustGrants Landing Page and details what information can be found on the Home Page,
- begin acting on tasks assigned to a user, and
- identify the capabilities of the six user roles.
Training: Entity Management
Key Audience: Entity Administrators
The Entity Administrator is a key role, and every entity must have one. The following training and reference materials will help Entity Administrators manage their entity information, users, and documents. Get a quick start managing your entity with the Entity Administrator's Checklist or access the Entity Management Job Aid Reference Guide for detailed instructions, which are also broken out below.
Performance Reporting
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Award Closeout
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Financial Reporting
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Award Management
This training video describes where you will manage funded awards in JustGrants. Video run time: 4 min. 49 sec.
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Grantee Award Acceptance
This training video describes how an authorized representative can accept or decline an award in JustGrants. Video run time: 4 min. 32 sec.
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Entity User Experience
Review the YouTube Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy
Contact Us
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View the different support options on the User Support page for technical assistance with accessing and using JustGrants.
JustGrants Training
For questions related to training opportunities or training content, please contact the JustGrants Training team at [email protected].
ASAP Support
The Automated Standard Application for Payment (ASAP) is now available for enrolled DOJ award recipients to request funds. For...
FAQ Search
The FAQs library provides search and filter options for finding answers to many of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Alternately, FAQs can be viewed from a topic-specific list on the FAQs page.
View the DIAMD FAQ PDF for step-by-step instructions for resolving some of the most common questions on the Digital Identity and Access Management Directory (DIAMD) system, including how to reset a JustGrants password.
Video Library
The video library provides search and filter options for all videos on this site. Select the Series link from the description to access a list of videos for a specific topic or training series.
In addition to the self-guided eLearning videos, the JustGrants Training Section provides access to job aid reference guides, checklists, and infographics to help users learn to navigate JustGrants.