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Glossary of Terms

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The glossary provides information about words and terms associated with JustGrants, DOJ’s grants management system. The terms are listed in alphabetical order.

To search for a term, enter the word/term you are seeking in the search filter. To clear the search filter, delete the existing term and select Apply.

Requested Settlement Date

The ASAP request settlement date is the business date on which you would like to receive the funds.


Roles determine the access a user is granted in a system.


  • For an overview of the six foundational roles in JustGrants, view term Entity User Roles.
  • In JustGrants, users may be granted multiple entity user roles depending on the tasks they perform.


  • For an overview of user roles in ASAP, view term ASAP User Roles.
  • In ASAP, the POC can fill all of the roles, assign multiple roles to one person, or assign each role to a different person.


For a list of user role terms for JustGrants, ASAP, and Grants.gov enter search criteria title: Role.


The Scope is the established boundary of what must be accomplished during an award period. Changes to the scope of a project can be requested by a Scope Change GAM.

Scope Change GAM (Grant Award Modification)

A Scope Change GAM is a sub-type of Programmatic GAM. The Grant Award Administrator or the Alternate Grant Award Administrator submits Programmatic Scope Changes as a single GAM rather than as separate GAMs. Scope changes include:

  • Altering programmatic activities
  • Changing the purpose of the project
  • Changing the project site
  • Staff changes that include experiencing or making changes to the organization or staff with primary responsibility for award implementation
  • Updating the Project Title and Project Description

Sole Source GAM (Grant Award Modification)

A Sole Source GAM is a type of Financial GAM which includes justification and attachment. A Sole Source GAM is initiated to request to enter into a non-competitive contractual relationship with a contractor under a grant where the contracted cost exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold.

Standard Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) Role

Standard Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) is a core user role in Grants.gov.  A user with this role is authorized to submit applications on behalf of the organization when they are a Participant of that workspace.

Standard Form SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance

SF-424 is a required standard form for submission of pre-applications, applications, and related information. Grants.gov uses information from the applicant's profile to populate the fields on this form. The contact information (email address) will be used to assign the application to the user in JustGrants.

Standard Form SF-425 Federal Financial Report

SF-425 is a standard form that recipients of federal funds under COPS Office grant programs (grantees) must use to report cumulative expenses incurred under each award. Grantees must submit one SF-425 per grant number every quarter. Financial reports are submitted in JustGrants. The web-based form in JustGrants is modeled after the structure of the OMB Standard Form 425 (SF-425).

Standard Form SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities

SF-LLL is a required standard form for disclosure of lobbying activities. 

Survey Repository

A library of questions, question pages, and question sets that make up questionnaires that are included in solicitations. The answers applicants supply in these questionnaires provide the basis for performance reporting in funded awards.

System for Award Management (SAM)

JustGrants uses the System for Award Management (SAM) as the primary source of agency information in applying for and managing DOJ grant funding. JustGrants performs daily automated SAM checks to collect current Entity information. Maintaining an updated account at SAM is critical to an entity’s registration for Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) and JustGrants.

Tax Identification Number (TIN)

The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier for tax and reporting purposes.

Your TIN is different from your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number.

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is the primary means of identifying entities registered for federal awards government-wide in the System for Award Management (SAM). The UEI is a unique 12-character alpha-numeric value assigned to all entities (public and private companies, individuals, institutions, or organizations) who register to do business with the federal government.


The number of days until or since the due date of the case, whether it is an application, a grant package, an award, a federal financial report, a performance report, or other items in JustGrants.

Workspace Manager Role

The Workspace Manager is a core user role in Grants.gov. This role enables a user to create new workspaces. Upon initially creating a workspace, the user with the Manage Workspace role inherits the Workspace Owner access.

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