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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Authorized representatives

JustGrants Application Mechanics: Submitting an Application Training

March 2023

JustGrants is the U.S. Department of Justice’s grants management system. The JustGrants team is offering a recurring “Application Mechanics: Submitting an Application” webinar to provide targeted assistance to potential applicants applying for DOJ funding opportunities. This webinar’s targeted audience includes individuals with Entity Administrator, Application Submitter and/or Authorized Representative(s) in JustGrants. The webinar covers the following topics:

  • Preparing to apply
  • Completing the abbreviated application in Grants.gov
  • Entity onboarding and JustGrants access
  • JustGrants roles and responsibilities
  • Assigning users’ roles to applications
  • Completing, reviewing, certifying and submitting a JustGrants application
  • Attendee questions about application submission

Video run time: 1 hour 1 min. 31 sec.

JustGrants Award Acceptance Virtual Q&A Session

April 2022

This Virtual Q&A Session is targeted to those JustGrants users with Entity Administrator or Authorized Representative roles and covers the following topics:

  • Determining when award acceptance occurs
  • Identifying which roles are involved in the award acceptance process
  • A demonstration of the process of accepting or declining an award
  • Common problems when accepting or declining an award, and how to mitigate them
  • Attendee questions about award acceptance

Video run time: 38 min. 41 sec. View the Presentation.

Training: Award Acceptance

Key Audience: Authorized Representatives, Entity Administrator

Once notified of an award, entity users will either accept or the decline the award. The following training and resource materials explain the two-step process that the Entity Administrator and Authorized Representative(s) take to complete this action in JustGrants. 

Award Notifications

  • For successful applicants, award notifications are generally made by the...

Training: Entity User Experience

Key Audience: All JustGrants Users

The following training materials support new users learn how to –

  • navigate the JustGrants Landing Page and details what information can be found on the Home Page,
  • begin acting on tasks assigned to a user, and
  • identify the capabilities of the six user roles.
Need help setting up your account? Review the Entity Management training materials and the Entity User...