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Closeout preparation

Weekly Training Webinars: Entity Management

Bookmark this page and check back regularly for session dates and registration links. 

Session TopicEntity Management
Key AudiencesEntity Administrators

Topics covered in this session include:

  • JustGrants roles and responsibilities 
  • JustGrants user management
    • Adding users, assigning roles, and confirming that accounts are successfully created
    • Assigning and reassigning users to applications and awards
    • Maintaining the entity profile and entity documents 
Live Training SessionsFuture...

Weekly Training Webinars: Award Management

Bookmark this page and check back regularly for session dates and registration links. 

Session TopicPost-Award Management
Key AudiencesGrant Award Administrators, Entity Administrators, Financial Managers

Topics covered in this session include:

  • Ongoing award management
    • User assignments and reassignments
    • Attaching documents
  • Performance reporting and deliverables
  • Grant Award Modifications (GAMs)
  • Submitting federal financial reports
  • Completing award closeouts
Live Training SessionsFuture sessions are forthcoming. Check...

Award Closeout

Award Closeout is the end of the grant process. The Grant Award Administrator leads the efforts in completing Closeout. To complete a closeout, entities must submit final financial, performance, and other reports required under the grant, and meet award conditions, within 120 days after the grant award expires or is terminated.

Closeouts are automatically generated in JustGrants one day after the grant end date or automatically if an award is declined. Closeouts are automatically submitted 121 days after the end date of the grant.

Training: Weekly Training Webinars

The JustGrants team facilitates weekly sessions providing an opportunity for users to receive topic-specific training, direct technical assistance and support on JustGrants system functionality.

Training: Closeout

Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator

In order to complete a closeout, entities must submit the final financial, performance, and other reports required under the grant, and meet award conditions, within 120 days after the grant award expires or is terminated.

The following training materials describe how the Grant Award Administrator submits an award closeout in JustGrants. These materials will teach users how to:

  • Select the...