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Grant Award Modification (GAM)

Weekly Training Webinars: Entity Management

Bookmark this page and check back regularly for session dates and registration links. 

Session TopicEntity Management
Key AudiencesEntity Administrators

Topics covered in this session include:

  • JustGrants roles and responsibilities
  • JustGrants user management
    • Adding users, assigning roles, and confirming that accounts are successfully created
    • Assigning and reassigning users to applications and awards
    • Maintaining the entity profile and entity documents
Live Training Sessions


Scope Change GAM (Grant Award Modification)

A Scope Change GAM is a sub-type of Programmatic GAM. The Grant Award Administrator or the Alternate Grant Award Administrator submits Programmatic Scope Changes as a single GAM rather than as separate GAMs. Scope changes include:

  • Altering programmatic activities
  • Changing the purpose of the project
  • Changing the project site
  • Staff changes that include experiencing or making changes to the organization or staff with primary responsibility for award implementation
  • Updating the Project Title and Project Description

Budget Modification GAM (Grant Award Modification)

A Budget Modification GAM is a type of Financial GAM used to add program income. Each budget category can be updated and once the updated amount is entered, JustGrants will calculate the requested changes. You can add, subtract, or edit the category totals. The Revised Budget column can never be negative, and the Federal Award Amount cannot be edited. Federal Funds Amount + Match Amount + Program Income Amount must equal Total Project Costs.

Record Type Prefixes

The following case number prefixes are used in JustGrants:

  • A-   Application
  • AA-  ASAP Authorization
  • ADPR-  Annual Programmatic Desk Review
  • AW-  Award Package
  • FA-  Funding Approval
  • FAW-  Funded Award 
  • FAWS-  Funded Supplemental Award
  • FFR-  Federal Financial Report
  • GAM-  Grant Award Modification
  • M-  Monitoring
  • PR-  Performance Report
  • SI-  Solicitation Initiation
  • ST-  Solicitation Template
  • UO-  UFMS Obligation

Grant Award Modification (GAM)

A Grant Award Modification (GAM) is a request for a modification to a key element of a funded award. Most GAMs can be initiated by the grantee’s Grant Award Administrator or the Alternate Grant Award Administrator but must be approved by DOJ personnel. Types of GAMS:

Grant Award Administrator Role

Grant Award Administrator is one of the six foundational JustGrants entity user roles. This is the grantee role that manages many aspects of the grant. This role allows a grantee to view and submit performance reports, initiate some Grant Award Modifications (GAMs), review and respond to monitoring issues as applicable, upload documents, and view award, application, and notice of funding opportunity information. 

Training: Weekly Training Webinars

The JustGrants team facilitates weekly sessions providing an opportunity for users to receive topic-specific training, direct technical assistance and support on JustGrants system functionality.

Training: Grant Award Modifications

Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator

The purpose of a Grant Award Modification (GAM) is to update award details, modifying key facts or details about the award. JustGrants focuses on true modifications to an award and in the following training materials, a Grant Award Administrator will learn how to create the three types of GAMs – Project Period Extension, Programmatic, and Financial.

Specifically, the eLearning videos...

Training: Award Management

Key Audience: Grant Award Administrator, Entity Administrator, Financial Manager

The eLearning videos and Job Aid Reference Guides below will help users navigate the grants management functions in JustGrants. 

These training materials will demonstrate how to complete the following tasks:

  • Find award information, including details regarding Award Conditions, performance management and available funds
  • Access Funding Balance and Project Budget figures
  • Initiate and follow Grant Award Modifications...

Frequently Asked Questions

View answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Justice Grants System (JustGrants), Grants.gov, System for Award Management (SAM), and the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP). This page will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.

Video Library

The video library provides search and filter options for all videos on this site. Select the Series link from the description to access a list of videos for a specific topic or training series.

In addition to the self-guided eLearning videos, the JustGrants Training Section provides access to job aid reference guides, checklists, and infographics to help users learn to navigate JustGrants.